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The analyst thinks, clean up fees and simplifying the tax is the general direction of reform, but also the reform direction of energy and other resource products.

Recently, the oil and gas resource tax reform has got new breakthrough. The Ministry of Finance and national tax administration announced that since December 1, 2014, the mineral resources compensation fee rate to zero of crude oil, natural gas resources tax, the applicable tax rate increased from 5% to 6%. In addition, also will stop to collect coal, crude oil, natural gas price regulation fund.

This to the oil and gas industry is a double good, oil and gas resources tax reform is long drought every mannan.

The analyst thinks, this to the oil and gas production enterprises, reduce the tax burden is a major policy dividends. Of the three major oil companies, its effect on profit Co., may enhance the 1%-2% between.

In addition, the reform of good upstream exploration and mining. Clean up fees and simplifying the tax is the general direction of reform, but also the reform direction of energy and other resource products.

The three oil firms will alleviate the burden on a limited impact on profit

In October 9th, the Ministry of Finance and National Tax Administration jointly issued the "notice on the adjustment of crude oil, natural gas resources tax related policies" (hereinafter referred to as the notice), reform of the crude oil, natural gas resources tax, including the resource compensation rate down to zero, and implement a number of relief.

According to the circular, since December 1, 2014, the mineral resources compensation fee rate to zero of crude oil, natural gas resources tax, the applicable tax rate increased from 5% to 6%. Because of the mineral resources compensation fee rate of crude oil and natural gas is 1%, the charges after the cancellation, the resource tax increase of 1 percentage points, to the enterprise, the tax burden is actually "offset", no change.

After the adjustment of nominal comprehensive tax rate remained unchanged at 6%, the local government is divided into the proportion increase. The government abolished the compensation fee of mineral resources, and the corresponding will increase resource tax rate from 5% to 6%, the composite tax rate adjustment before, after the name of the beginning in 6%, no change. Because the original mineral resources compensation divided by the central and local governments according to 50:50, while the resource tax all belongs to the local governments, so after this adjustment, the local government is divided into the proportion increased to 100%.

According to the insiders, the move to the exploitation of oil and gas enterprises, reduce the tax burden is a major policy dividends; at the same time, increasing access to local financial revenue, to provide the necessary financial support for the local improvement and management of the environment.

It is worth noting, really good mining enterprises is "various preferential policies in the notice". Including: to transport heavy oil oilfield in the range used for heating crude oil, natural gas resource tax shall be exempted; of heavy oil, high pour point oil and high sulfur natural gas resource tax reduction 40%; on three oil resource tax levy of 30%; 20% low abundance of hydrocarbon resource tax temporarily.

"Cancel the mineral resources compensation costs 1%, 1% increase in the resource tax, theoretically there is no change, but due to resource tax reduction, so the actual increase resources tax to 1%, which directly reduce the oil gas mining enterprise tax burden, reduce the cost of income will be increased, the enthusiasm of the mining also therefore ascension." Anxunsi analyst Zhang Yeqing told the "Securities Daily" the reporter said, the new deal of the three major domestic oil companies the most direct positive. In order to Sinopec as example, taxes reduce the amplitude of up to 20%, according to the calculation of the yield of 2013 440000000 barrels of oil equivalent, deduction 200000000 yuan.

CICC also think, the impact on the three major oil company profits are limited, may enhance the 1%-2% between.Positive upstream exploration and mining

The reform made substantial progressIt is worthwhile to mention that, the Ministry of finance, the national development and Reform Commission in October 10th also issued a "notice on Relevant Issues concerning the comprehensive cleaning to crude oil and natural gas in coal charging fund".

Provisions from December 1, 2014 onwards, to cease the levying of coal, crude oil, natural gas price adjustment fund, and requires a comprehensive clean up around coal, crude oil, natural gas and relates to charges of the fund, in addition to laws, administrative regulations and the provisions of the State Council, any place, departments and units shall set up new relates to coal, crude oil, natural gas administration fees and government funds.

Market participants said, from the policy can be seen, the nation tax in the Qing Fei finally take substantive steps. Especially for resource products, on the one hand, due to reflect the scarcity of mining, impose various taxes, capital, the purpose is to control the disordered mining, "paid" use. But in recent years, various taxes and fees levied duplication, a multitude of names, exceed the standard collection of fees, fees, taxes and fees to use tax, and very opaque, increased the burden on enterprises, and consumers will ultimately foot the bill.

"For our country a heavily dependent on imported oil and natural gas energy superpower, for mining enterprises burden is also reflected in the exploitation of oil and gas to encourage and support state. Our country has the principle on the release of the oil and gas exploration, for the enterprise, whether to participate in the exploitation of a large extent depends on the investment risk and return, but a factor of tax burden is also considered." Zhang Yeqing think.